Briefing on the use of cookies updated as of 05/05/2015

This briefing on the use of cookies on this website is provided to users pursuant to the directive of the Italian Data Protection Authority of 8 May 2014 “Determining simple procedures for briefs on the use of cookies and acquiring consent for their use” and in compliance with article 13 of the Privacy Code (legislative decree No. 196/2003).
This briefing has been compiled and updated by ATLANTIS a website operator and PII data controller, with head office in:

Head office

+39 0421 571111

+39 0421 307355

Customer service

  • +39 0421 571111
  • from Monday to Friday:
  • from 8.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
Every additional request for information on cookies’ use in this website should be forwarded to

You can also use the same address to exercise your rights under the Privacy Code by virtue of you being the party concerned (article 7 and seq. legislative decree 30 June 2003, No. 196; for example, access, cancellation, updating, rectifying, supplementing data, etc.) as to request an updated list of any other designated data controllers.

Your PII will, in any case, be handled by specific appointees of ATLANTIS, and will not be communicated or divulged.

As no use is made of cookies for PII transmission, no item of PII will be acquired by this website unless knowingly provided by the user. Our cookies are solely used to transmit aggregate data and cannot identify visitors. However, they do enable us to monitor the surfing habits of users so as to improve our service and make surfing on the site more secure and efficient.

Users are reminded that the voluntary and specific forwarding of email to the addresses indicated on this site’s various access channels together with the filling out of specially prepared contact/ information request forms will entail the subsequent acquisition of the email addresses and related information needed to reply to product enquiries and/or supply the services requested.

PII will be handled by hand or electronic means and collected by ATLANTIS when the online forms are received;
Forms sent to us will be carefully stored in accordance with the law regulating confidential data and will not be divulged;
The data collected will be handled by internal personnel appointed by ATLANTIS and not communicated to third parties.

In conclusion, you are reminded that you can exercise your rights under article 7 of legislative decree No. 196/2003 at any time by contacting the data controller

Cookies are simple and brief text files that a website may send during surfing to your own device (PC, notebook, smartphone, or tablet and they are usually stored directly on the browser used for navigation). The website that sends them can also read and record the cookies found on a user’s device and will do so to obtain various types of information. The answer to the question “what type of information?” depends upon the type of cookie used and its specific function, as indicated below.

Functionally necessary activities
These cookies are technical in nature and enable a site to operate correctly. For example, they maintain a user’s connection during navigation and obviate the need to repeatedly renew connection requests in order to provide access to successive pages.

Recording preferences
These cookies enable sites to record users’ navigation preferences. For example, they can save language settings.

Statistical Activities and Audience Measurement
By collecting aggregate and anonymous data, cookies help us understand how users interact with our Internet sites and provide information on the most-visited sections, the time spent on the site and possible malfunctions. This helps us improve our websites’ performance.
Further information:

In order to improve our website and understand the parts or aspects most appreciated by users we deploy a third-party cookie, for anonymous and aggregate analysis, i.e. a Google Analytics cookie. As this is Google’s proprietary tool, users should consult the Google’s company policy statement at the address:
If you would prefer your PII were not collected by Google Analytics you can:

select private browsing (option Do Not Track) on your browser.
In order to learn how to activate this option on the main search engines click on the browser you use: Internet Explorer, Google ChromeMozilla FirefoxApple Safari.
deactivate Google Analytics by installing the separate deactivation component on your browser. Click here to download it

he technical and analytics cookies are the only cookies we use to make your surfing more enjoyable. We do not use profiling cookies.


We use many different providers which may, in turn, install cookies for the correct operation of the services that we, in our turn, provide. If you would like information on such third-party cookies and how to disable them, please access the links indicated in the following table.

Furthermore, by opening the page you can obtain information on behavioural advertising in addition to deactivating or activating the companies listed and that work with website operators to garner and use information to be exploited for advertising purposes.


These cookies (third-party web services) provide anonymous/aggregate information on how visitors surf sites. The links to the pages detailing their cookie policy are as follows.

Social-media sharing cookies

These third-party cookies are used to integrate a number of functions of the main social media and provide them within our site. In particular, they enable the registration and authentication of the site through Facebook and Google Connect, the sharing of comments on our pages over social sites as well as enabling the functions “I like” on Facebook and “+1? on G+. These social media sharing cookies can be deactivated using the links indicated below.

For further information visit the website

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